How do I get started on my healing journey?
If you are overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, I got you. It can be really daunting and confusing in the beginning, but everyone starts somewhere. You just have to take the first step and focus on the day-to-day. On my Pinterest, I literally have a board called Taking Your First Steps Toward Healing, here’s the link:, and I have a Beginner’s Guide to Healing on my homepage exactly for this problem. But, in simplified terms…
- Observe your patterns, behaviors, and insecurities, you can journal about them to see where to start.
- Pick a couple of goals, like I want to heal my inner child, allow myself to feel my emotions without judgment, and work on my self-confidence and self-concept.
- Then I want you to pick a couple of habits and practices to help with each goal and do them! For example, as a part of my morning routine, I want to visualize my inner child and give her validation, incorporate affirmations and mirror work for my self-concept, and when a feeling comes up, I want to try and just sit with it and observe it.
That’s it, observe to see where you want to start, pick goals, and create habits that align with those goals. Create a plan that works for you, and start small, so that you are more likely to actually follow through. You got this.
How Can I Level Up?
If you are unhappy with where your life is, overwhelmed with where to start and the work that will come with it. This is very normal and just means you are thinking about it with too wide of a picture. This will only stress you out because realistically you can only take it a step at a time. And it only takes two things: knowing what you want and taking the steps every day to get there. That’s it. If you want a deeper guide:
- The first step is to write down everything you don’t like, you can journal dump about this. We do this because when you know what you don’t want, it leads you to find what you do want.
- I want you to pick the areas that you want to level up in and get clear on what you want for these areas. Get a clear picture of what your ideal lifestyle looks like. You can ask what your highest self’s life looks like in these areas.
- Lastly, I want you to create a plan that works for you. I want you to pick a few areas to start with and pick a couple of habits and steps that align with your goal. Remember that it will be consistency and the habits you adopt that get you where you want. It will not be an overnight thing.
How do I Begin my Spiritual Journey?
Everyones’ spiritual awakening and journey will be so specific to them, so I want you to remember to do what feels right for you, ask yourself and use your intuition to see where to start, and don’t go looking outside of yourself. I also want you to know that you don’t need anything material to be spiritual, all you need is yourself and maybe a journal. But if you are really lost and want a bit of direction, I am here to help.
- So, let’s start with learning. I recommend learning the 12 laws of the universe, the 7 chakras, and reading any books that have caught your eye. Obviously, some popular ones are the Power of Now, the Four Agreements, a New Earth, the Untethered Soul, the Alchemist, and the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. Then of course I am not going to forget about astrology and human design. Just follow what you’re interested in because there are so many resources available to you and so many ways you can go.
- Now, let’s talk about the main practices to have when you first start. Of course, I will start with meditation, which just means observing your thoughts, getting into your body, and into the present, and can be done in many ways, like being in nature, observing art, or whatever gets you into this state. Then, I recommend grounding, cleansing, protecting, and creating energetic boundaries. Lastly, create a relationship with your spirit guides and ancestors, I know it sounds daunting, but just talk to them and say who you are talking to (ex: Spirit Guides of the highest good).
- Last but not least, let’s talk about healing. To me, the best way to heal is to meet your shadow self with compassion and love. So, whenever you feel jealous, sad, angry, triggered, annoyed, judgemental, etc., I want you to try to understand what this is telling you, get to the root, and heal this part of you. Another essential skill is knowing how to feel your feelings; you don’t need any stories attached, and you don’t need to intellectualize your feelings. All your feelings want is to be acknowledged, felt, and released. Tip: you can intuitively move your body to release them faster.
What are Some Tips to Get into Alignment?
There are many ways to get into alignment. Here I will be talking about energetic practices to use daily, using the energy around you and within you, and the chakra system. All of these can help you get aligned in different ways. I would recommend starting with energetic practices because they are simple and you don’t need any knowledge. Then, I say choose whatever looks interesting, but I will say that working with your chakras is so beneficial. The best thing you can do is act on your impulses. Alright, let’s begin.
- Let’s start with energetic practices to use daily to get centered. Meditation is the most important practice to have as it helps you get into your body, and the present, connect you with yourself, and so much more. The rest are smaller practices to have handy, which include grounding, cleansing, and protecting. All you need for each is intention and visualization.
- You have 7 main chakras in your body, starting at the base of your spine and going all the way to the top of your head. Chakras are just energy centers that correspond to bundles of nerves and major organs in your body. It is important to start with your root chakra when working with your 7 chakras and work your way up. Healing and cleansing your chakras can be done with meditation, visualization, movement, frequencies, and journaling. I recommend this post if you’re interested:
- Lastly, using the moon, the energy of the days of the week, and aligning with your menstrual cycle can help you feel in sync with your body and the energy around you. Each day of the week is ruled by a planet, working with the energy of each planet and doing certain tasks and activities each day can be helpful (check out my Pinterest for more info). The moon changes signs every 2 1/2 days and goes through phases, and you can use either to work with the moon (I especially recommend this if you’re a cancer moon or rising). Lastly, your menstrual cycle has 4 phases, beginning with your menstrual phase, then your follicular, ovulation, and luteal phases, and your energy works differently in each. (I have a whole Pinterest board on this topic if you wanna check it out).
How Can I Get Out of a Rut?
Feeling stagnant can be the worst. It can feel so real and impossible to break out of when it is actually all in your head. Nobody is actually holding you down and keeping you stuck in place. And, the worst thing is that the longer you are in it, the more uncomfortable it becomes. Breaking out of a rut is only fixed by action, by doing something that is different, which can feel so hard. But, here are some steps and tips that I use to break out of a stagnant period every time.
- Sit in it. Don’t resist it and try to find wisdom within this period. Meditate or journal, whatever you want to do.
- Stand up and start shaking your body. Imagine all the stagnant energy being released from your body. Intuitively dance and shake your body, whatever you need.
- Change something. You are probably in a stagnant period because you are doing the same things in your comfort zone. Deciding to do something out of your normal routine and comfort zone will probably make you feel resistant, but it will ultimately get you out. You have to take the first step.